The Harrison Spirit | Services: Interior Design - Harrison's world of art means
Decoration-Service, conceptualization of design and interior decoration, detailed analysis Sampling of fabrics, objects and materials, sample boards, sensitization on materials, collaboration with experts, sustainability. Visualization and planning, sketching, drawing up plans, in-house architect Builders consultation for expansion, remodeling, renovation.
room, seize, Bijou, business premises, Event-Location, Gastronomy establishment, flat, apartment, house, Know-How, Bedürfnisse, Vorgaben, Decoration-Service, sampling, Visualization, consulting, consultation, concept, Raumgestaltung, Analyse, Research, sample boards, fabrics, objects, materials, Muster, Stoffe, Objekte, Materialien, Kooperation, Specialist, planning, drawing up plans, Erstellung Pläne, In-House, Architect, Bauherren, Builders consultation for expansion, Bauherrenberatung, Ausbau, Umbau, Renovation, Ausführung, individuelle Wünsche, Optimierung Grundrisse, Zeitgemässe Materialisierung, Nachhaltigkeit, Sustainability, wohnen, einrichten, Wohnberatung, zuhause, Beratung, Ideen, Design, Lifestyle, Einrichtungsberatung, Wohnungsberatung, Einrichtungstips, Wohntraum, modern wohnen, wohnen nach Wunsch, wohnen dekorieren, wohnen mit Farben, einrichten wohnen, Kinderzimmer einrichten, Einrichtungsberater, Farbberatung, Raumgestaltung, Wohnideen, Einrichtungsideen, Raumausstattung, Inneneinrichtung, Räume, Facelift, Umbau, Farben Interior Design, Hilfe beim Einrichten, Möbel, Deko, Dekoration, Decoration, Wohnung, Haus, Wohnberatung, Stil, Räume, Lifestyle, Fashion, Raumtanz, Wohnzimmer, Wohndetails, Feinarbeit Wohnberatung, Wohnungsanpassung, Wohnseiten, Wohnlösungen, Wohnidee, Garten, Küche, Schlafzimmer einrichten, Wohnzimmer, Einrichtung, Ideen, Raum, Ratgeber, living, shop, online, Leuchten, Lampen, Badezimmer, Räume, Trends, kaufen, Immobilien, Zimmer, Balkon, Sale, Design, Kissen, Products, Heimtextilien, Kissenbezug, Sitzkissen, Decke, Auswahl, kaufen, Shop, Zimmerausstattung, Ausstattung Service, Inneneinrichtungspezialist, Philosophie, Space,
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Service: Interior Design

Harrison's World of art means

Clothes make the man – a well-known wisdom. The same is also true for spaces, where their size does not matter. Knowing how, a room turns into a jewel in which you feel comfortable. Or business premises, event venues and gastronomy establishments. Or apartments, entire houses.

We know how, and we are happy to share this knowledge with you. Individually and tailored precisely to your needs and specifications. Eventually, you are defined by your rooms, just as by your appearance – and this you won’t leave up to chance either.

Decoration Service

Conceptualization of design and interior decoration, detailed analysis, recording of individual needs, extensive research, concept development


Sampling of fabrics, objects and materials, sample boards, sensitization on materials, collaboration with experts, sustainability


Visualization and planning, sketching, drawing up plans, in-house architect


Builders consulting for expansion, remodelling, renovation. Implementation of individual desires, optimization of floor plans, contemporary materialization

Gastronomie / Interior Design / Konzept