The Harrison Spirit | Services - Harrison's Services at a glance
Harrison's Services at a glance. Interior Design Service. Consultation from A-Z. Consulting Packages, half or full consulting days with individual services. Visual Design Experience, Event-Decoration, Press Days, openings and anniversaries.
room, Bijou, business premise, Event-Location, Gastronomy establishment, flat, apartment, house, Know-How, Bedürfnisse, Vorgaben, Räume, Interior Design Service, Interior Design Consulting, Project, color consultation, Begleitung, Umbau-Vorhaben, Bauherrenberatung, Auftrag, Bauwesen, experience, Kompetenz, Umgang, Architect, Handwerker, Lieferanten, goal, creativity, Sensibilität, Result, consulting-Packages, consulting, consultation, halbe, full consulting days, Bedürfnisanalyse, Analyse, Bedürfnisse, Massnahmen, in Tat umsetzen, Pauschalen, individuelle Dienstleistungen, Visual Design, Erlebniswelt, Erlebniswelten, Brand, Geschäft, event, erstrahlen, Entwicklung, Erscheinungsbild, dreidimensional, Erleben, Event-Decoration, Press-Day, opening, Jubiläum, CI-Vorgaben, Kreativität, Rituals Store, Eröffnung, Weihnachtsdorf, WEF, Davos, Einblick, Dienstleistungen, Beratung von A-Z, Beratungspakete, halber Tag, ganzer Tag, individuelle Dienstleistung, Erlebniswelt, Event, Dekoration, Decoration, Eröffnungsfeiern, Openings, Jubiläen, wohnen, einrichten, Wohnberatung, zuhause, Beratung, Ideen, Design, Lifestyle, Einrichtungsberatung, Wohnungsberatung, Einrichtungstips, Wohntraum, modern wohnen, wohnen nach Wunsch, wohnen dekorieren, wohnen mit Farben, einrichten wohnen, Kinderzimmer einrichten, Einrichtungsberater, Farbberatung, Raumgestaltung, Wohnideen, Einrichtungsideen, Raumausstattung, Inneneinrichtung, Räume, Facelift, Umbau, Farben Interior Design, Hilfe beim Einrichten, Möbel, Deko, Dekoration, Decoration, Wohnung, Haus, Wohnberatung, Stil, Räume, Lifestyle, Fashion, Raumtanz, Wohnzimmer, Wohndetails, Feinarbeit Wohnberatung, Wohnungsanpassung, Wohnseiten, Wohnlösungen, Wohnidee, Garten, Küche, Schlafzimmer einrichten, Wohnzimmer, Einrichtung, Ideen, Raum, Ratgeber, living, shop, online, Leuchten, Lampen, Badezimmer, Räume, Trends, kaufen, Immobilien, Zimmer, Balkon, Sale, Design, Kissen, Products, Heimtextilien, Kissenbezug, Sitzkissen, Decke, Auswahl, kaufen, Shop, Zimmerausstattung, Ausstattung Service, Inneneinrichtungspezialist, Philosophie, Space, Beratungs-Packages, Beratungspackages,
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Harrison’s Services

Harrison's services at a glance

Clothes make the man – a well-known wisdom. The same is also true for spaces, where their size does not matter. Knowing how, a room turns into a jewel in which you feel comfortable. Or business premises, event venues and gastronomy establishments. Or apartments, entire houses. We know how, and we are happy to share this knowledge with you. Individually and tailored precisely to your needs and specifications. Eventually, you are defined by your rooms, just as by your appearance – and this you won’t leave up to chance either.

Interior Design Service

In the classical interior design service, we take care of your project from A to Z. Whether during a two-hour colour consultation, support for a complete remodelling project or builder’s consulting – Your order is in the best of hands. Through our many years of experience in the construction industry, we have the expertise needed in dealing with architects, suppliers and craftsmen to reach the goal expeditiously. We also bring a great deal of creativity and sensitivity, making a project your own personal result.

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Consulting Packages

Reach your goal the fastest possible with our compact packages. Depending on the scope of your project, we recommend half or whole consulting days during which we jointly analyse your needs and then record measures – and on request implement them straight away. Each package includes a sets of services. We will identify the best one together with you. Thanks to our know-how you will reach your desired destination on a direct path.

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Visual Design

We create a world of experiences, shining the best light on your brand, your business and your event. If required, we support you during the development of your appearance, and then transform it into three-dimensional experience. For example: Event decorations, press days, opening ceremonies and anniversaries, and much more.

We realize your requirements creatively within your CI requirements. Have you ever participated in a Rituals store opening, visited the “Wienachtsdorf” (Christmas village) at Bellevue or attended an event at the WEF in Davos? Then you have possibly already had an insight into our creative work.
