The Harrison Spirit | Boutique & Webshops
La Boutique, Boutique, Ladenlokal, Hallwylplatz, Zürich, Harrison, Zuhause, Trouvaille, Sammelfreude, Abenteuerlust, aussergewöhnliche Möbel, Laden, Ladengeschäft, Bijou, aus aller Welt, Kosmopolit, Kontinente, Geschichten, Rundblick, Untergeschoss, Kissen, Accessoires, grosse und kleine Möbel, Le Webshop, online bestellen, praktisch, Geschenk, regulär, exklusiv, Antike Mitbringsel, Souvenir, Reisen, Ausgefallene Tapeten, auf Mass, Wall&Deco, Flos Designerlampen, Designer, Lampen, Harrisons Spirits, Sortiment an Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Erfahrungsreichtum,
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La Boutique

Not only Harrison, but also his treasures from all over the world find a home for a moment in the pretty shop at Hallwyl square in Zurich. He brings the large and heavy pieces equally forth, as the small and lightweight. They all bear the signature of the cosmopolitan. The desire to explore the continents and experience stories lives within each one of them.

Panoramic views
Looking into the basement

Le Webshop: Harrison Interiors Light & Accessoires

In the webshop “Harrison Interiors – And there will be light” you can find illuminants, lamps and accessories to make your own individual lamp: Textile cables, sockets and canopies in all possible variations. And in our “Lookbook”you will find a colorful bouquet from our assortment.
Light & Accessoires